Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Traffic Rules of New Delhi

Riding a rickshaw (scooters that serve as taxis) through the streets of New Delhi is a cross between a roller coaster and a bumper car ride. You speed up, slow down, make sharp turns, and when you see that little space between a bus and an Ambassador, you gun it before the bicycle rickshaw beats you to it.

So, from my experiences on the roads of New Delhi, I have compiled a few rules I've learned to help me get safely to my destination.

Basic Traffic Rules:

Treat lane markers as road graffiti.

A red light means that maybe you should think about slowing down.

Nothing's wrong with crossing into the opposite traffic lanes. (so, look both ways when crossing a one-way street)

Honking means, I'm turning, I'm stopping, I'm going, get out of the way, a form of greeting, and probably a variety of explicits in Hindi that I haven't picked up yet.

And of course, cows always have the right of way.

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